Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Rottweiler Temperament

Stages of Development and Socialisation

A dog is not a toy, a plaything, an ego trip, or a child substitute. The dog has been the companion of man for thousands of years but he retains all the instinctive behaviour of his wild ancestors. Today with our changing society and subsequent stress we tend to forget that dogs are not humans but a different species. A species that comes from a social structure similar to man and hence can adapt to living with man provided that certain needs are met.

It is vital, if you are to have a happy rewarding relationship with your dog that YOU are the pack leader. A dog sees a weak person as one who is not worthy of respect and he will take over the lead position. We all know dogs that run their various households – the dog wants a walk, the dog want his dinner, the dog does not like you to sit there, the dog does not like Auntie Jessie etc. These dogs have taken the leadership in their households, This may not be a problem. BUT allow a ROTTWEILER to call the tune and you are asking for trouble.

If you are in the habit of allowing the dog to dictate to you, e.g., who sits where. You cannot blame the dog when, if he is pulled off his chair and dragged outside, he challenges your right to demand this action of him. You say "The dog growled at me". Of course he did; you have given him every reason to believe that he is in charge so why shouldn't he challenge a threat to his position.

The size of a Rottweiler coupled with his strength of character will cause problems right from the time you take your puppy home if you do not establish yourself as the pack leader in your household. The dog will be quite happy with what ever position he is allotted. For household harmony that position should be at the bottom of the human pack. Then the dog respects you and all the family. Current problems overseas are mainly caused by lack of understanding of the above concept. The Rottweiler is a wonderful companion / guard, providing he is in the hands of a responsible caring owner who has taken the trouble to investigate the Character of the Breed and to learn about the drives and instincts that all dogs are born with, i.e., inherited drives and behaviour. This is set and cannot be changed by man, only modified for man's use.

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